How to use your Valley Mist biodegradable lip balm

The vegan lip balm blends contain a huge percentage of organic cocoa seed butter, and so are particularly sensitive to temperature and need some extra tender loving care and patience …. but they are worth it!

plastic free lip balm, plastic free wholesale
Valley Mist lip balms push up from the base of the tube

Steps: How to use Valley Mist lip balm.

  • Remove the lid so you can see the lip balm.
  • Holding the inner paper tube with one hand, use your thumb, finger or if they will not fit try the handle end of a spoon or something similar, and carefully pushup the round disk at the bottom of the tube with your other hand. Make sure not to push too hard…if you do, the excess protruding lip balm will not go back into the lid when you try and replace it!
  • If your lip balm refuses to budge and will not push up, more than likely you will have one of the vegan blends, they do seem to be more troublesome in the cold than the original lip balms with beeswax.

So what do I do if it won’t push up? …I’m getting annoyed

  • Brute force is not the answer, nor is an extreme sudden burst of heat.
  • The best option is the gentle warming of body heat … Ooooo yeah! 🙂 This is free and has no additional carbon footprint. Pop the lip balm in your front jeans pocket or somewhere similar close to the skin for at least 10 minutes to soak up that gentle warmth and break the hard seal between the balm and the tube. Your body heat is the perfect temperature to coax out the lip balm.

10 minutes seems like a long time!

  • 10 minutes does feel like a long time when all you want is the amazing stuff on your lips, I know it. However the idea about these lip balms and their biodegradable packaging is that they are sustainable, they are not designed for convenience or made to fit in with with our instant consumer driven lives that we in the West enjoy. (Sorry about the rant)
  • So after 10 minutes gentle and even warming in your front pocket, carefully push up from the bottom, again don’t push too hard or too much lip balm will come out and you’ll not be able to get it back in the tube.
  • There is room for a good 5mm of lip balm in the lid, this means the next time you come to use it there is plenty there for the next few weeks.

Valley Mist lip balms are a firm lip balm and will last for a very long time…Enjoy them, love them and they will look after you too 🙂

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Unit 5, Charnock Farm, Charnock walk, Wigan road Leyland England PR25 5DA

Plastic Free & Sustainable – Lip Balms, Natural Skincare & Wellness Products. Made in the UK.