
You may have seen Valley Mist supporting Plastic Free July!

Our Restore Lip Balm featured in the plastic free prize!

You may not have known it, but it’s Plastic Free July!  The idea is to avoid buying single use plastics over the month of July, it’s a fab initiative and we were pleased as punch to support the cause.  The movement first started in Australia in 2011 and has grown year on year in it’s presence and popularity.  For most of us it is a big ask, but if it makes us stop and consider really how much single use plastic we actually use on a daily basis then it’s a good starting point for awareness on the subject.  

“Plastic Free July aims to raise awareness of the amount of single-use disposable plastic in our lives and challenges people to do something about it.”So well done to Tania Hans who hosted a Plastic Free stall at the farmers market near Blackheath in sunny London.   Yes, we were proud to be a part of it with our eco friendly, zero waste Valley Mist 8.5g lip balm. We look forward to offering more plastic free product options soon.

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Unit 5, Charnock Farm, Charnock walk, Wigan road Leyland England PR25 5DA

Plastic Free & Sustainable – Lip Balms, Natural Skincare & Wellness Products. Made in the UK.