Natural face mask

Seasonal natural face mask: September

Keep it simple

One of the best and most satisfying ways to incorporate a natural face mask into your beauty routine is to flow with nature. By using what is available from your near green spaces automatically reduces your carbon footprint immediately. August and September bring a bounty of berries and one that you can be guaranteed to find pretty much anywhere in the UK are the berries of the bramble.

Packed with natural vitamins A, C & K. Juicy blackberries give you even more reason to connect with nature and go outside for a quick forage. You don’t need many, three is more than enough to make a great natural face mask.

It doesn’t need to be over complicated


  • One tablespoon of porridge oats.
  • 20ml of hot water (not boling or too hot, this will denature the vitamins and enzymes).
  • Three blackberries.
  • Six drops of Valley Mist Facial Oil, or if you don’t have that you could substitute it for a high quality cold pressed oil ( not cooking oil or olive oil, you need a light, easily absorbed oil).
  • 20ml of hot water (not boling or too hot, this will denature the enzymes and vitamins).


  • Mix the hot water and oil to the oats and stir, this will immediately reduce the temperature of the water.
  • Add in the blackberries and mush and mash the ingredients together with the back of a spoon or in a mortar and pestle
  • Leave to rest for twenty minutes. This allows the oats to release the goodness and form an almost emulsion like liquid solution.

Super IMPORTANT Safety Notes

  • At this stage it is advisable to do a patch test for 24 hours, especially if you are sensitive. Natural forraged ingredients can be powerful and contain allergens. When making homemade skincare it is ALWAYS important to use ingredients as soon as possible and never to use near the eyes. Store products made with water for no more than 2 days). Did you know: ALL skincare products available to buy are required by law to be assessed for their safety and appropriate use to certain areas of the body. Making your own skincare products should not be entered into without caution, there is a good reason why we have cosmetic safety assessments, regulations and good manufacturing practises.

So if I havn’t put you off too much

Give it a go.

Gently apply to the face with a patting motion. It’s not necessary to use the lumpy bits, aim for the natural face mask “juice” and leave to dry on the skin.

You can wash off or use a dry face cloth for a more of a peeling face mask type of experience.


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