Hello 2021

A quick update

Our sustainable business Valley Mist is open despite the current lockdown situation.

Lockdown3 is here and life is much the same as it was since October, living the life of lockdown has become our norm. Valley Mist is currently operating as a single person machine, that would be me Jo, founder of Valley Mist. We don’t mix with other people as I am high risk living with asthma.

Thank you for your support in 2020

I hope you have had as happy a Christmas that 2020 has allowed you.  We have spent much of Christmas steeped in booze and far too much time lazing horizontal whilst dedicating time to relaxing and switching off after 2020. Muddy walks, good food and the whole Marvel universe summed up our Christmas. If you noticed a lack of Christmas cheer from our posts it’s because it’s been a particularly difficult Christmas this year after loosing my Mum. I found it tricky to get on board with with all the usual festive joys and words seemed empty …. so it ended up that Valley Mist slipped into Christmas quietly without wishing you all a merry one. Of course we hope you did manage to have a happy Christmas. Also we hope your gifts have made it to you despite the royal mail delays. 

Valley Mist is back to work, preparing for the future.

 1) The dreaded Brexit that so far seems like it might actually be ok.. but time will tell. (Brexit plans have been very expensive! I can tell you about this if you are interested on a blog .. let me know. The administrative costs will not be passed on. 🇪🇺)

2) We have big, BIG news to announce properly in the new year. We are relocating to a new site and will have our new bespoke lab.

3) Later in 2021 a shop!️ COVID allowing.

4) And what I am most excited about is growing the Valley Mist team beyond a family business that’s right we hope to be able to be an employer! 

So if you have continued to read on and stuck with my waffle, I thank you so very much. It is the support from people like you who have enabled this little sustainable business to grow from a seed to a sprout. Every engagement, like, recommend and a lovely review and the all important purchases. It all adds up to supporting this sustainable business.  Wishing you a peaceful new year and a more social 2021 when the restrictions are lifted. 

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© Valley Mist. Email: [email protected]
Unit 5, Charnock Farm, Charnock walk, Wigan road Leyland England PR25 5DA

Plastic Free & Sustainable – Lip Balms, Natural Skincare & Wellness Products. Made in the UK.