Out of hibernation and into the light.
My new business fledged just weeks before Christmas in 2016. With a small recovery space to get over the trials of a business launch, re-energised and ready for the next big step, I came out of hibernation and into the light with the Kickstarter promotion. The huge expense of setting up Valley Mist lip balms was starting to pinch and I was keen to promote Valley Mist as a brand, introduce myself and form a relationship with future customers. The retail display box was a worthy candidate for just such a promotion. It’s true to describe the experience as coming into the light; by this I mean I have literally put my face to my product. In the age of selfies, for some people this might not be a big deal but I have always found comfort behind a camera rather than in front of it!
I applied my lip balm ..
.. and spent a good number of hours practicing over and over the video diary for the Kickstarter promotion, that was a weekend of my life ill spent. It was an easy decision, the video had to be without my voice or my over expressive face.
The Valley Mist lip balm video promotion for Kickstarter
I had some experience creating and editing animations and videos through my job as a photographer but I was by no means an expert and went through a steep learning curve getting there with the Valley Mist lip balm promotion. The end result took me so long to get right, way beyond the self imposed deadline. By the time I was happy with the video I had already committed and ordered the lip balm retail display box, which was the whole point of the promotion. I sent the video out to friends and family to get their feed back, making the alterations and adding bits here and there, finding spelling mistakes and type errors right at the last moment. When the whole presentation was ready, I started to get cold feet and very nearly ditched the whole Kickstarter idea. I was concerned about putting myself out there and I was very worried about asking people to support my business even though I would be offering “rewards” for the backing support. My soon to be sister and brother in law encouraged me to go for it, so I did. I had read so many blogs and watched videos about getting the launch right, the importance of timing and asking for pledges. It’s not something to enter into lightly.
Of the whole experience, I do have regrets. I listened to some advice and acted on it in a rushed and bullish way .. if you are one of my friends or family on Facebook and your name started with an A, I’m sorry that you were on the receiving end of this! These people might have received a rather blunt request so I do feel a little uncomfortable about it. However, I may well not have achieved the goal amount if I had not asked so directly.
So here it is, the Valley Mist Lip balm retail display box
These photos taken with my phone show the finished boxes and I am so very pleased with them. It’s great to share with you the news…Valley Mist Lip balms can now be bought in two locations as well as through our web site. Stores selected for their like minded approach to locally produced, well designed quality products are Arteria “with design led gifts and contemporary arts and crafts”:
.. and at Rumpus in The Park who offer a range of local hand made gifts in their rustic boutique craft shop. While you are there checking out our lovely lip balms you’ll see the floor that John made himself.