Valley Mist featured in the Green and Ethical Checklist
Did you see? It made our day, no week, no scrub that, it made our year. Our little ethical brand in The Guardian
Recognition as an ethical brand
Our efforts as a sustainable and ethical brand have been under the spotlight. Please believe me when I say efforts, in big bold text! It is definitely not easy to run a sustainable business and there are a constant stream of moral dilemmas that often create conflict between good business sense and an environmental and ethical conscience.
A good example are the waste oils and waxes created during manufacture which we have saved since the business started in 2014. When we make our lip balms and facial oils, the leftovers and mixing bowl scrapings are stored up and saved to send on to our candle makers, who happily collect in their electric car whilst dropping off candles. It’s easy and convenient to bin things but we try our best reuse or repurpose as much as we can.
You can read more about our ethical commitments and inventive repurposing on our sustainable beauty brand page.
Heart on my sleeve
This business has had my blood sweat and tears, I have worked so hard for years and to have this attention is special. Four years ago I spotted The Guardian Christmas Wish List and posted on socials that next year Valley Mist would be featured. Four years later Valley Mist is in what I consider to be the ultimate checklist.
The Green and Ethical checklist. …For the Guardian … Did I mention it was in The Guardian 🙂